Thursday, May 12, 2016

Moving + Unpacking

My oh my, how time flies. It seems like just yesterday my whole family was toting all of my stuff into my dorm room and attempting to help me get settled in amongst all of the chaos that was "Move-In Day." To me, those three words sound terrifying. I'm not a huge fan of large crowds (which is odd, considering I love concerts), but the thought of hundreds of people making trips back and forth in and out of the same building just made me cringe. So, as soon as I got the flier with information on moving out, I started planning in advance to move out before the last minute when it would be just as chaotic as moving in. Right now, I can proudly say that I have successfully moved everything out of my dorm room before the official "Move-Out Day". It only took five or six trips- who knew I had so much stuff. Over Christmas break I got rid of FOURTEEN trash bags of clothing that I never wore, and I'm about to do the same with my stuff, because I don't have enough room for all of the things that were already in my bedroom, not counting the two car-fulls of stuff I just brought home. Wish me luck- I might just be cleaning and organizing all summer until it's time for "Move-In Day" round two.

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